Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Shelley a Republican or Democrat?

    Shelley is unapologetically a Republican, believing:

    A life is a life. With value from conception to death. Worthy of protection.

    We must reduce government spending. Her background in managing small businesses will bring common sense to how our tax dollars are spent.

    Self-governance is the foundation of our nation, and freedom must be protected. Those incapable of governing themselves must answer to a fair and just judicial system.

    Personal right to keep and bear arms; we must be able to protect our homes, property and families.

    Strong national defense and secure borders. We are proud to be the home of three military bases in our area, with the Marine Corps Air Station regularly displaying our military defense capabilities over our beautiful Lowcountry home. The men and women of the military, along with their families, have enhanced the fabric of our community for generations, and Shelley will support active duty, veterans and retired military members. Her own family has served in the Marine Corps and National Guard. Shelley actively supports veterans, active-duty military members and their families in her community.

  • What is the first thing that Shelley will do once she's elected?

    Her initiatives are clear, focusing on protecting people, preserving the culture and history of our Lowcountry home, and promoting smart growth to bring JOBS to our area. She has some ideas on what our district needs, but she also wants YOU to tell her what you think is most important to you and your family. Our current representative has served in his position many years, but if these needs have been around for a while, then maybe it's time for a change.

  • What are some ways that Shelley's policy differs from her opponent?

    Her opponent voted against the SC Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act. Shelley strongly believes that a life is a life! We must protect our unborn and our elderly, believing that every life has purpose and is worthy of protection.

    Her opponent voted AGAINST legislation that would KEEP BOYS OUT of girls' sports. Shelley will vote to protect girls’ sports.

    Her opponent voted for children to have access to transgender surgery/procedures. Shelley says, " Let them grow up!" Children need to allow their brains to fully mature before decisions for life altering procedures are made.

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